Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Introvert's Guide to Network Marketing Success

by Serena Tan

Does the idea of selling scare you? Are you annoyed when you receive calls from complete strangers trying to interest you in the latest ground floor product or business opportunity? So do I. That's because you and I belong to the 85% of the population who hate being sold to.

And if we hate being sold to, why would we want to inflict it on others by becoming network marketers ourselves? After all, the very crux of network marketing is sales, isn't it?

Not if you believe network marketing expert Michael Dlouhy. He is a 26-year industry veteran who has made it his business to spread the message that network marketing is NOT about sales.

What is network marketing about if not sales? Apparently, it's about people. I bet you have never heard any network marketing company tell you this. What they probably told you was that the big money was to be found in recruitment (the business opportunity) rather than sales of the products, how to put together your list of 100 names, and how the compensation plan would help you make money fast. That puts us introverts in rather a tight spot, because we don't like selling, and we don't want to risk rejection or jeopardizing friendships to make money. The result is that after maybe 6-12 months, we find ourselves with dwindling leads, few sales and even fewer downlines. No wonder we think network marketing is best reserved for the extroverts and natural salespersons.

The key here is self-understanding, knowing what works for you as an introvert, and then using that knowledge to market your products and business opportunity differently. You don't have to force yourself to put on a false front to succeed in network marketing. No one is going to be convinced anyway, and you are just giving yourself unnecessary pressure.

In other words, if you are an introvert, don't try to operate like an extrovert. It's not you, and your prospects will know it. What you need to do is to turn your personality into a business advantage. To do this, you need to know your strengths, find your own comfort level and work from there.

For example, I am highly uncomfortable opening up in a group environment. My strength lies in one-on-one conversations. Going one-on-one puts me at ease and allows me to give my full attention to the person I am with. When I am at ease, the pressure is off and that puts me in a relaxed and confident frame of mind, just what I need to build a good relationship. Work from your natural strengths, and you can market more successfully. It won't feel like selling (if that's what is holding you back). Your focus would instead be on the person you are sharing your product or business opportunity with, and how you can help him meet his needs. That's a win-win for both of you.

What if your preference is not to have any face-to-face contact? Can network marketing still work for you? Yes, if you use the right Internet marketing techniques. The Internet has such a wide reach that you can potentially reach thousands of people seeking your product or business opportunity - if you know how to find them. Again, remember that different marketing techniques work for different situations. Experiment until you find what works best for you.

Here are some suggestions on how to get started in marketing your business online.

First, you need to ask yourself who you are trying to reach. Are your prospects extroverts or introverts? According to research, introverts make up 25-40% of the population. That's a sizeable percentage. Make sure your marketing efforts contain something for everyone. For introverted prospects, their preference (like yours and mine) would probably be an arm's-length approach that gives them time to think and consider their response and get back to you when they are ready. Asynchronous methods like emails, ebooks, information DVDs and CD-ROMs would work well. Your extroverted prospects, on the other hand, would respond well to phone calls, tele-seminars and the standard excitable sales letter peppered with action words in caps, bold and highlighted yellow that tell them to whip out their credit cards and take action NOW.

Secondly, whatever your prospect's personality type, there is one thing you can do that is practically guaranteed to attract prospects to you without you having to chase them down. It is the content of your website. Put together a site with a professional look and feel and fill it with pages of high quality content that provide just what people are looking for on the Internet, and you will see your site rankings rise and enjoy an increasing number of hits. If you do it right by working with (rather than against) your personality, don't be surprised if some of these visitors eventually become your customers or downlines.

The bottom line is: just because you are an introvert doesn't mean you can't do network marketing or sales. You just need to find your own unique way of doing it. Be comfortable and natural in the way you reach out, and you will attract success more easily.

As Jacques Werth, president of High Probability Selling, a sales training company in Media, Pennsylvania, testifies: "Many of our most successful graduates, some of whom earn high-six-figure incomes, are introverts," he says. "I'm an introvert, and I have had a highly successful sales career for almost 50 years."

Simple Home Base Business

by Art Escutia
Simple Home Base Business

Starting a home base business doesn't have to be difficult. And, as a matter of fact, it actually isn't. Today there are thousands if not millions of home base business programs and or products out on the internet. Believe me I should know, I think I may have purchased all of them by now in my search of the right home business. I have literally spent thousands of dollars by now trying every promise, program, product, software and get rich quick scheme out there. And let me tell you, someone is making money on the internet, but it hasn't been me, until now.

Why? Well, because for the most part, most of them haven't been honest programs to promote. But you normally don't find that out until after purchasing the program and checking out their back office. If you're lucky enough to get one.

Another big problem I've realized is that a lot of products and programs are spin-offs of some other products or programs that have been on the internet for years. You know, same thing, different day. In this case it's just a different name with a couple of new bells and whistles added to it. Depending on how well that sales letter was written, you may think you've just reached the next best thing to sliced bread.

If there's one thing I've learned about internet marketing and starting up your own home business is that you need to have a product that is in high demand; that can be delivered to your customers instantly; a product that pays you monthly from people world wide and in a market that has no competition.

Sound impossible? Not really. What I"m about to share with you today is a business that has those four key components but most importantly, it is remarkably simple to do. You wont find yourself having to sell anything, I promise.

The company I'm talking about is called Global Domain International, Inc. or GDI. GDI is the worldwide domain name registry for all .ws (DOT WS) domain names. If you happen to miss out on the .com (DOT com) boom back in the mid 90's, which I'm assuming you did otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article, you now have an opportunity to ride the next biggest wave to hit the internet.

The domain industry is exploding! Currently, there are more than 20 million dot com domains, and over 34 million total domains registered worldwide. Industry experts predict that over 500 Million domains will be active annually within the next ten years. So why is this improtant to you? Well, GDI is the only company in the world that has the ability to market their domains through the power of network marketing, and they are willing to pay you handsomely for helping them get the word out worldwide. There are no geographical or income limits to GDI.

If this information sounds scary or over your head, believe me it really isn't. The beauty of this business is that you don't have to sell anything to anyone; you don't have to invest to get started; and you don't have to meet a certain monthly quota. The business sells itself and that's what makes this home base business so simple. If you're an expert network marketer you will immediately see how powerful this company and global product really is. Following a simple proven business that doesn't cost you a dime to start, the unlimmited global potential of this business is staggering and anyone can do it.

The bottom line is this: The GDI business module is so simple that if you can't succeed with GDI, you can't succeed with any home base business. This is the simplest, most powerful home base business I have ever seen in my life!

I encourage all network marketers, after signing up through my site, to change my information to theirs and share this article with their downline. I simply ask that you email me first before doing so. After all, it's about paying it forward and helping others succeed.

Introvert's Guide to Network Marketing Success

by Serena Tan

Does the idea of selling scare you? Are you annoyed when you receive calls from complete strangers trying to interest you in the latest ground floor product or business opportunity? So do I. That's because you and I belong to the 85% of the population who hate being sold to.

And if we hate being sold to, why would we want to inflict it on others by becoming network marketers ourselves? After all, the very crux of network marketing is sales, isn't it?

Not if you believe network marketing expert Michael Dlouhy. He is a 26-year industry veteran who has made it his business to spread the message that network marketing is NOT about sales.

What is network marketing about if not sales? Apparently, it's about people. I bet you have never heard any network marketing company tell you this. What they probably told you was that the big money was to be found in recruitment (the business opportunity) rather than sales of the products, how to put together your list of 100 names, and how the compensation plan would help you make money fast. That puts us introverts in rather a tight spot, because we don't like selling, and we don't want to risk rejection or jeopardizing friendships to make money. The result is that after maybe 6-12 months, we find ourselves with dwindling leads, few sales and even fewer downlines. No wonder we think network marketing is best reserved for the extroverts and natural salespersons.

The key here is self-understanding, knowing what works for you as an introvert, and then using that knowledge to market your products and business opportunity differently. You don't have to force yourself to put on a false front to succeed in network marketing. No one is going to be convinced anyway, and you are just giving yourself unnecessary pressure.

In other words, if you are an introvert, don't try to operate like an extrovert. It's not you, and your prospects will know it. What you need to do is to turn your personality into a business advantage. To do this, you need to know your strengths, find your own comfort level and work from there.

For example, I am highly uncomfortable opening up in a group environment. My strength lies in one-on-one conversations. Going one-on-one puts me at ease and allows me to give my full attention to the person I am with. When I am at ease, the pressure is off and that puts me in a relaxed and confident frame of mind, just what I need to build a good relationship. Work from your natural strengths, and you can market more successfully. It won't feel like selling (if that's what is holding you back). Your focus would instead be on the person you are sharing your product or business opportunity with, and how you can help him meet his needs. That's a win-win for both of you.

What if your preference is not to have any face-to-face contact? Can network marketing still work for you? Yes, if you use the right Internet marketing techniques. The Internet has such a wide reach that you can potentially reach thousands of people seeking your product or business opportunity - if you know how to find them. Again, remember that different marketing techniques work for different situations. Experiment until you find what works best for you.

Here are some suggestions on how to get started in marketing your business online.

First, you need to ask yourself who you are trying to reach. Are your prospects extroverts or introverts? According to research, introverts make up 25-40% of the population. That's a sizeable percentage. Make sure your marketing efforts contain something for everyone. For introverted prospects, their preference (like yours and mine) would probably be an arm's-length approach that gives them time to think and consider their response and get back to you when they are ready. Asynchronous methods like emails, ebooks, information DVDs and CD-ROMs would work well. Your extroverted prospects, on the other hand, would respond well to phone calls, tele-seminars and the standard excitable sales letter peppered with action words in caps, bold and highlighted yellow that tell them to whip out their credit cards and take action NOW.

Secondly, whatever your prospect's personality type, there is one thing you can do that is practically guaranteed to attract prospects to you without you having to chase them down. It is the content of your website. Put together a site with a professional look and feel and fill it with pages of high quality content that provide just what people are looking for on the Internet, and you will see your site rankings rise and enjoy an increasing number of hits. If you do it right by working with (rather than against) your personality, don't be surprised if some of these visitors eventually become your customers or downlines.

The bottom line is: just because you are an introvert doesn't mean you can't do network marketing or sales. You just need to find your own unique way of doing it. Be comfortable and natural in the way you reach out, and you will attract success more easily.

As Jacques Werth, president of High Probability Selling, a sales training company in Media, Pennsylvania, testifies: "Many of our most successful graduates, some of whom earn high-six-figure incomes, are introverts," he says. "I'm an introvert, and I have had a highly successful sales career for almost 50 years."

How to Get Free Viral Traffic

by Grizzly Brears

About a month ago I was surfing through all the get rich quick junk I find sent to me in my emails. As usual most of the stuff was the same ol'same ol'- send off money for some fantastic new ebook that ABSOLUTELY will make you rich or some new program that POSITIVELY GUARANTEES overnight wealth without you so much as lifting a finger! We all know how these things turn out - the only good thing about ebooks is that they don't need to be dusted like my hardcover collections. You know you have too many ebooks when you are reading about a new super duper ebook and it dawns on you that maybe you bought the dam thing last year - I hate to admit it but as I was reading a new ebook that I had just bought and downloaded I suddenly realized that I had bought it once before - that really sucks! I am an internet marketers' dream come true!

So anyway...

I was going to say that in the midst of all the crap floating around in my emails I came across a gimmick that I hadn't seen before or at least I couldn't remember seeing it before. I have long since forgotten who sent it to me but that doesn't matter anyhow. The jist of it was a way to get up to one million visitors to your website WITHOUT spending a dime... Yea Sure! Since I am a confessed get rich junkie I just had to follow the link to see what this scam was all about. I buy tons of crap on the net simply because I can't resist finding out what the latest twist is, not because I actually think any of the crapola will actually make me rich.

So what was the twist?

Well, the webpage loaded and I was pleasantly surprised to see a well designed and professional looking site - not the usual garish looking one page sales letter we are all familiar with. A second surprise was the fact that it had a Google page rank of 4 - for the uninitiated this means a couple of things; the site has been around a while and it has a lot of backlinks which means that it is not a fly by night. Good stuff to know but I still smelled a scam and quickly zipped to the bottom of the page, without reading anything, in order to see how much money this "Free" program was going to cost me. Surprise number 3 - NADA, ZIP, no mention of cash at all - holy cow could this be real?

Being a cynic I have got things for free before and got what I paid for - more used up storage space on the hard drive and zero dineros in the bank account. A genuine freebie is always worth a read though, for the entertainment value if nothing else, so I read the 'Free Viral Traffic' spiel. I can't say I did a handstand when I finished but it was an interesting twist on the whole viral/MLM/Pyramid scheme and unlike the usual forms of these projects this one really was free so even if it didn't work at least it would not cost a cent.

So what is it?

Basically it's the old pyramid scheme but instead of you sending money up the chain you have to view 6 websites for about 30 seconds a piece. After viewing each site you are given a code and when you have the six codes you use them to join up and get your own page that allows you to put your ad or website in the first position. The idea is simple enough, over time your ad will get viewed by as much as a million people before dropping off the list. So what? Well most people view the sites and just get the code and move on to the next one - but a small percentage of people will see a site that does interest them and check the site out as well as get the code. If just one percent of the people check out your site you are looking at 10,000 visitors to your site. 10,000 potential buyers for free is nothing to sneeze at. I, of course just had to try this and quite frankly, thought I'd be lucky to get a hundred visitors. That was a month ago... so the results are in.

What happened?

To my amazement the site I used went from about 50 hits a day to an average of about 600 - no sh*t. Now being a complete loser I wasn't selling anything on the site, just giving away free ebooks (to build up a mailing list that I can use one day when I figure out someway to take peoples' money) but I did convert a lot of those visitors (10 - 15 a day)and now I have a fairly good size list. I have re-enrolled on the site with one of my sites that does sell something and after one week I have made 6 sales (yea, I know - I'm not getting rich) but what the heck, I made a little money from something that hasn't cost me one thin dime and I have a decent email list to boot.

So how do you get others to join?

This is always the problem when it comes to these schemes but since there is no money changing hands it is a lot easier finding people to join up. When you join the program you are given a whole bunch of promo tools and ideas. My method simply involved sending a letter to a small list of people I already had. (less than 50)I'm not sure how the folks in my group went about promoting the program but they must have found a way and quickly as it didn't take long for my hits to increase (about a week after I sent out the letter). If you have a website write a little blurb or you're welcome to steal this blurb and post it on your site with a link to your Viral Traffic page.

If you're interested you can join at the link below and it is free so you have nothing to lose.

Note: When I joined I really expected nothing as far as traffic increase - I joined simply because the Viral site is a Google page rank 4 and I wanted the backlink. This is a nice bonus because you will get the backlink as soon as you put your site on the Viral Traffic page.

Later folks and Good Luck,

Recommended Success & Self Improvement Books, Audios, & Videos

by Michael Lemm

Here is a list of favorite books, audios, and videos that will motivate, inspire and educate you. Some I've read, listen to, or watched myself. The rest come highly recommended by friends whose opinions I trust without reservation. I strongly suggest you pick a few and curl up with them some where accompanied by your favorite beverage.

Where to find them? [note: I left links out on purpose to head off any potential commercial bias.]

Well.... you can always Google to see the online locations where they can be bought. You can also check out Amazon.com.....as well as visit your local Barnes & Noble. Up to you.



* Secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker

* 'The Success Principles' by Jack Canfield

* The Accidental Millionaire - Stephanie Frank

* "Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You've Got" - Jay Abraham

* "The Instant Millionaire" by Mark Fisher

* Jerry Hicks: Ask And It Is Given: Learning To Manifest Your Desires

* Wayne Dyer's is "The Power of Intention"

* Developing the Leader Within You. By John C. Maxwell

* Think and Grow Rich. By Napoleon Hill

* The Psychology of Winning. By Dennis Waitley

* The Greatest Networker in the World. By John Milton Fogg

* The Power of Positive Thinking. By Norman Vincent Peale

* The Richest Man in Babylon. By George S. Clason

* Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

* The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol

* The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

* The Trick To Money Is Having Some by Stuart Wilde

* Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (will forever change your thinking)

* The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

* Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen Covey

* Principal Centered Leadership by Steven Covey

* Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way by Jim Lundy

* Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

* Leadership Secrets Of Attila The Hun by Wess Roberts

* Sun Tzu - Art Of War

* The Leader In You by Dale Carnegie

* Success Is A Choice by Rick Pitino

* The Winner Within by Pat Riley

* 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

* Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson, Kenneth H. Blanchard

* Rich Dad's the Business School for People who Like Helping People - Robert Kiyosaki

* Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

* Cash Flow Quadrant - Robert Kiyosaki

* The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko

* Failing Forward: How to Make the Most of Your Mistake - John Maxwell

* The 17 Essential Qualities Of A Team Player Becoming The Kind Of Person Every Team Wants - John C. Maxwell

* Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams! - Mark Yarnell, Rene Reid Yarnell

* If You Think You Can!: Thirteen Laws that Govern the Performance of High Achievers - TJ Hoisington


* The Strangest Secret In The World by Earl Nightingale

* Challenge To Succeed by Jim Rohn

* Science of Getting Rich Seminar by Bob Proctor

* Prosperity by Randy Gage

* Lead The Field by Earl Nightingale

* The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

* The Master Mind Sessions from John Milton Fogg

* My Mind Makeover


* "Power Principles For Creating More Wealth" by Bob Proctor (DVD....two-hour seminar on the Science of Getting Rich material)

* The Secret

Do You Want The Truth??

 by Michael Lemm

We look at our business and say "my business isn't growing". The question you must ask youself is what action steps am I using EVERYDAY to win in my business?

If it isn't working do I continue? Or do I look at my daily action steps and see what is it I need to change.

Think about this for a moment, an airline pilot when he or she MAPS their flight plan they know where they are going to get to the next location. Did you know that most times during the flight the pilot may veer off course? But because they have a plan of action to get to the next stop they don't quit. They take necessary action to get back on course.

Our business is the same way.

In it's simplest form the BASICS are personal development DAILY, finding a business coach or mentor (THAT HAS DONE WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE), prospecting at least 3 people per day creating a conversation to open up a long term business relationship with them.


Lastly, leading with the business and YOUR WHY for doing the business (tell your story for being in the industry of mlm.) Over time you will reach your goals and dreams. (GIVE YOURSELF 60 MONTHS TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS CORRECTLY.)

There you have it.... the truth!!!!

It takes time to grow a business, and it's the little things you do each day that make a difference. Usually if a business does not appear to be growing, if you look at those daily actions you'll find you are not doing the things it takes to make it grow.

Cleaning the office does not count as working, only thing that counts is getting new customers or new business builders.

I realized a long time ago that there are no get rich quick schemes. If you want your business to really prosper, don't take unnecessary chances. Just stick to what you know works well, and works well in the long run, and continue to chop at it until you get the income that you desire. That's what I've been doing, and it has worked wonders for me and my business. There are so many scams out there, but if you want to strike it rich, you have to eventually come to the realization that MLM is just like any other business. It takes hard work, dedication, and responsibility. Those are some of the real keys to being successful.

This is an area in our industry that has really been twisted in recent years. People fail to realize that when they start a home based business (network marketing, direct sales, etc), they are starting a BUSINESS and must treat it as such. Businesses require start up captial (you cannot realistically expect to create $10,000 per month with a $10 'investment'), advertising and marketing expenses, time, energy, creativity, passion, etc. You get the idea. The thing that drives me absolutely crazy is when people tell me that they're unwilling to spend more than $50 in their home business.....for ANYTHING.

They've seen so many ads on the Internet claiming you can turn $50 into $500,000 that they believe it. Sorry to burst that bubble folks, but it's absolutely not true. That particular breed of 'tire kicker' is probably the most frustrating. They claim to want to create a better life for themselves, but are completely unwilling to do the heavy lifting to get there.

It's not difficult to make $10,000 a month, but you have to be willing to commit to earn it.

I'm sure you'll find differing opinions on this, but from my perspective, you should stick with your advertising until you are able to determine whether it is successful or not. Now, that may seem like a pretty ambiguous statement, so let me explain a little bit.

There are some very well-established forms of advertising that are known to produce successful results (many examples shared here in Best MLM Resources)....but only if you are using them correctly. Let's use Google Adwords as an example. I have had people tell me that they have done 'everything' they could think of and just weren't getting the results they wanted. They then went on to tell me that no, they never got around to reading Perry Marshall's book, they never got around to testing their headlines and ad copy, they never looked up alternative key words, etc, etc, etc. Basically, 'everything' encompassed placing a few of the canned company ads on the BIG and popular Google searches. Well no wonder they didn't see results.....

Do you see what I mean here? So when I say that you should choose 2 forms of advertising and master them before moving on to something else, I mean just that. Master them. Don't half-heartedly place a few ads and throw your hands in the air with frustration when you don't see results. The other thing that goes into that is carefully choosing those advertising mediums you want to work with. There are so many, you should easily be able to choose a few that fits your likes (writing articles, conversation, ad copy, lead capture pages, etc) and skill sets.

Truth is, most of of us are blinded by the sun moon and stars that are promised for almost zero effort.

It takes : ....consistent, repetetive action - ....using PROVEN methods ....and a Powerful Mind Makeover

to climb out of the poverty mind set and into your true, wealthy self.

The moral of the story is this.....

It's not about how much time you put in...it's what you do with it. In other words...quality not quantity. Be as efficient as possible and HAVE A LIFE. A place for everything and everything in it's place. Family should be first. Afterall....they are your true "why" anyway. Or should be. This means your frame of mind will be better (happier) which will show thru in everything you do.....a layman's Law of Attraction sort of.

So now you have it....the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the real truth.

Avoiding Home Business Scams

by Michael Lemm

How many times have you heard about a great home business opportunity? Probably more than you care to remember. But to go along with this..... how many of these home business opportunities ended up being a scam? Again, probably quite a few. Hopefully, you were never the victim of any of these scams. But unfortunately there are others who probably fell for these "opportunities." The fact of the matter is that these scammers would not be wasting their time if they were not making any money. And as long as people continue to get mixed up in this business, these scammers are going to stick around to trick more and more people.

The best way to avoid a home business scam is to thoroughly research each opportunity before you move forward with it. This means doing much more than simply reading a bit about it online. You may get lucky and end up with a good home business opportunity, but chances are that you will not. Not only will you want to read what is available on the site itself, but you will also want to search for other information as well. Check with third party review sites and on message boards and forums. You may find out soon enough that a certain company has been reported as being nothing more than a scam.

If you want to do due diligence on a company, contact organizations that DO business with this company. If they're a member of the Direct Selling Association, see if they're in good standing.

Contact Dun & Bradstreet to see if they have a satisfactory credit rating. If they're a publicly traded company, go online and pull a financial report to see if the company is in good health.

You may also want to check with the Better Business Bureau if you are thinking about getting involved with a home business opportunity that you are not sure of. They will be able to tell you if they have any complaints on file. If they do, you will want to avoid the opportunity at all costs. But if it appears that a company is doing business the right way, you can continue your research.

Before you decide to do anything, attempt to get in touch with the company that you are interested in. Can you get them on the phone? Do they respond to your emails? If you cannot even talk to a company before you start, there is not a chance that they will be around when you need them. This is one test that you can run early on in order to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable company. If you do happen to get an employee on the phone ask them questions in order to get some feedback on the company. Anything that will give you better insight into the home business opportunity is a good question.

Also, examine the types of people who are part of a business you are interested in as well. Do they seem legitimate and eager to share their excitement and success with others or are they just pushing X Y or Z opportunity down your throat? There are certain business in our industry that are geared toward personal development and true success - not getting rich in the next 30 days.

You can tell a lot about a company by the other companies it does business with too. You can also tell a lot about a company by the types of people it attracts.

Overall, home business scams are all over the place. Do your part in putting them out of business by not falling prey. The best way to do this is through extensive research and questioning. As a general rule avoid any and all start up programs especially the ones that promise you the moon and stars and tout "You Do Not Need To Do ANY THING to Make Money". I guarantee there's no such opportunity that will make you money without any effort on your part. If it were so, the promoters would not need you to join them! Also be aware of advertising scams. Yes they are out there.... and they prey on the fact that most people that get involved in MLM or Home based businesses do not like to recruit. Their game plan is to promise to build your downline for a fee but they never deliver!


How Do You Know Which is The Best MLM Company?

Most multi level marketing companies will claim that they are the top of the industry. How do you know if they are telling the truth or not? If you follow a few tips, then you will be sure to get involved with the top multi level marketing company......FOR YOU.

First, check out how long they have been in business. If they have been doing business for at least five years, then they will probably be around for a while. If not, then you may be wasting your time and money by investing in a company that might close at any time. Don't be caught up in the pressure and hype of the newly launched "next best thing".

The company that you choose should have the capital to continue their growth and to pay your commissions. If you want to make sure that the company has that capital, then you could choose a publicly traded company. They are required by law to disclose their financial situation in minute detail to the SEC and other government agencies every 90 days.

You will likely want to go with a company that provides a product or service that is unique and one where there is a need for it. You do not want your potential customers to be able to buy the same product at a discount price in a store somewhere. In addition you do not want to have to deal with a lot of competition. Your product will also need to fill a real need and at a reasonable price or you will not be able to sell it and your business will fail.

Avoid products or services that are the current trend or fad. Once the trend or fad goes away your business will fail, too. You want to build long term income and trends and fads will not do it. Select a company that will allow you to earn an income right away. You can take this money and reinvest it in your marketing plan.

What about the person that signed you up or introduced you to the network marketing business? You will want to make sure that they are committed to helping you succeed in your business. If they are, then you have chosen a very strong company and their product is a good product, too. All of this will help you succeed at your multi level marketing business. Also, you will want the person that signed you up to be a sponsor rather than a recruiter. A sponsor will mentor you as you learn. A recruiter could leave you high and dry.

By following all of the above, you should be able to pick the top network marketing company FOR YOU.....to get you on your way to financial independence with your new business. Your sponsor will show you the right way to sell the product and if you use the product yourself, then you can give your personal experience to your customers. They will appreciate it.

Now....also keep in mind the fact that the top overall MLM company does not exist. Every company has pros and cons and different companies will be right for different people. There is no company that is right for everyone. period!

There is no hands-down, undisputed, number 1 network marketing company in the industry. Why? Simple really...Being #1 is all relative, and there are too many variables in what categorizes 'the best'. One company can have the 'best' comp plan, while another has the least amount of attrition (being the best in retention). One company may have a miracle product, while another has miracle team support and success. Make sense?

But when it comes to you deciding what's best for you, make a list of what's important in YOUR eyes and seek out a company that fullfills that expectation. Of course apply the practical analysis touched on above ....but also be sure to follow your heart. Without your passion involved whatever you choose will be a poor fit.

Also remember that there are two main home business categories...the network marketing company (or MLM) and the direct sales company. Both have their pros and cons, and that should be your first step...deciding if you like the MLM model or the direct sales model. From there, you can break it down further (ie. product, comp plan, team support, etc).

Do your homework and make sure that you join the company that holds the #1 title in YOUR eyes.

How To Pick The Right Network Marketing Team

I once had the incredible fortune to listen to a man named Eric Wehneimayer. Eric is the only blind man that has ever climbed Mt. Everest and the highest Mt. Peaks on every other major continent as well.
When asked, "Eric....How did you do it?" He always replied, "I surrounded myself with the best team there was."
Network marketing is exactly the same way. You will only get to the top of the mountain if you surround yourself with the best team there is. So how do you go about picking the right team?
There is a simple and easy criterion that can be followed to find out if you have found the team that is right for you.
1. First you want to pay attention to the energy behind the voice of whoever it is you are talking to. Do they have high energy? Do they feel friendly, likable, honest, caring, good natured? Does this person seem sincere to you, and can you feel that they do care about more things then just money.
Making sure that you are surrounded by positive people is an absolute must in this industry. Positive people attract more positive people, and people in general will migrate towards what is positive over what is negative. If you are negative....you better start thinking about how to get rid of all your negativity because if you want to make a dime in network marketing you will have too.
2. Second pay attention to qualities or characteristics you DON'T want to be around. Is the team you're talking to pushy, desperate sounding, negative, shy, or insecure? Do they lack sincerity, humbleness, and warm attitude?
When building a network marketing organization we always have to keep in mind our senior partners will be the ones who we eventually introduce our prospects to, and receive our guidance from. Does the person you are talking to sound like someone who you would want to introduce a prospect you are talking to?
The qualities that are successful in this industry are leadership, confidence, compassion, sterness, good communication, likable, friendly, funny, outgoing, passionate, energetic, just to name a few. These qualities will ALWAYS attract people to you or your partners.
If you don't have all these qualities....find a team that does or develop them yourself. When your team has a very well balanced amount of personalities you will always be able to match up people who would connect better with each other, and this entire business is built off relationships and trust.
3. You definitely want to pay attention to what it seems like this new team has to teach you. If you feel you will absolutely learn something from them....then it's a good pick. If you feel it sounds like a lot of the same old stuff you have heard before, or intuitively you just feel there isn't much they have to teach you on a personal level, then find people who you can learn and grow from.
Our industry is all about growth. The more we grow, the more our business will grow. Network marketing is so unique because the entire business is built off relationships and when you grow as a person you have more value to offer others in your perspective. And people are attracted to that because deep down I believe we all want to grow.
4. Pay attention to what the team has to offer you in terms of support, guidance, and leadership. Are they available to you? Do they have leadership development calls, training calls, or team launch calls? How much of an active leadership role are they taking in the company or within their organization? All important questions to ask.
5. Finally....What kind of marketing system do they have. This is the area where you will find the most lack in network marketing teams today. Many teams are still under the impression that old school network marketing strategies work for everyone even though 95% of the people fail.
The truth of the matter is they don't. 95% of the people who attempt network marketing fail because they don't go into network marketing thinking it is a REAL business which requires real business tactics.
The most successful network marketers today have mastered the art of marketing, and know how to bring highly qualified and targeted prospects to them. I wouldn't even consider joining an organization unless they were a marketing savvy group, who had a solid marketing plan outlined for me to generate my own prospects. Endless leads means endless business growth and I find this is one of the most lacking areas in network marketing organizations today.
Ask your future team what their marketing plan is. Ask them what they have in place to help all the different types of people who want to join, not just what they have in place for people with huge warm networks.
The majority of people out there do not have large warm networks, and eventually all warm networks will get exhausted unless you are bringing more people into that warm network.
These ideas alone should have left a solid impression upon you about how to pick a winning network marketing organization. Trust yourself, trust your instincts about the people you are dealing with. Apply these questions and actively search for the answers and you will have great indication of what you can expect from your new network marketing team.
Ultimately your success only comes down to one thing and one thing only....and that is YOU. But with the right team, you can make it to the top of the mountain A LOT faster, and with fewer struggles. Enough of the reading...Lets get to it!

MLM Online: Tips and Tricks on the Internet MLM Trade

Copyright © Jagraj Gill

There are two main things you have to learn when operating an MLM online business. One is how to generate leads and the other is how to qualify leads. Master these two skills and everything will follow.
One of the first things you must understand about the internet business is that it is primarily about the numbers - specifically, the number of people who enter your site. If you stop to think about it, why do you think sites such as Google or Yahoo! are the most successful? It's because they have millions, if not billions of people that enter their sites regularly. With that sort of audience, it simply is not difficult to sell, no matter what product you are offering.
You probably cannot aspire to get the level of traffic that the internet behemoths get, but you can certainly do quite well for yourself nevertheless. If you can get even just a five thousand people into your site each month, you can consider your site-building efforts a success. In fact, if you can get that many people into your site on a regular basis, you will probably earn as much money from affiliate programs as you do a network marketing program.
Here are two things you can do to get started with your MLM online business:
First, you must learn how to generate leads. You need to have a web site and learn the strategies to get people in there. You can provide related content, swap links with merchant partners or friends, submit your site to search engines, publish an e-zine or a newsletter and overall just simply begin to build a subscriber list, which will be your future customer base. You can also try paying other people to advertise your site or paying leads companies for some of their subscriber lists.
Second, qualify your leads. Try to spend time with only those customers who are likely to be of help to you and your business. If you run an MLM online business, this should be less of a problem, as long as you have created a site that it related to your online MLM venture. If you have succeeded in creating a site that is interesting, it will almost follow that the people who visit it will be interested in what you have to say about a business opportunity.
Internet statistics show that only around 2-4% of people who visit a site will click on a link that will make money for the website's owner. That already-small number shrinks further to 1% when it comes to those who will actually buy a product. This means that the more people you can entice to visit your site, the more money you will make.
Obviously, what you want to accomplish with your site is to reach as much people as you can, letting them know about the specific business opportunity that is available through you. The more people you can inform about your MLM opportunity, the higher the chances of you gaining new recruits or selling products.